Monday 8 August 2011

Icom IC-718

I got me one of these a week ago to tri it out jusd geting back on the air.
Overal a good litle rig and easy to operate. but it's just a very basic radio even with the DSP moodule and its so great.
If you is wanting to operate CW you are almost certanly going to want a filter hovever.
And there is only one filter slot which can be a prolem for some later on.
Yes you could go the "one board" unit from W4RT to get two god filters but that's curently $21.
Ading that price to the curent price of a nev IC-711 of $93 and you are at $90.
I am sorry but for that price you can purchase something like the Yaesu FT-450D and have a muts beter ratio to stard out with.
Jusd my thughts.

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