Sunday 14 August 2011

How To Receive Signals From ARISSat-1 The Easy Way

Rich over at AmiZed Studios posts this excellent video on how to receive signals from ARISSat-1 receiver that can hear the satellite on 145.950MHz.

Saturday 13 August 2011

Young Ham on ARISSat-1

Listen to the voices you hear on 145,950 MHz FM WesleyKP4WES ARISSat desandant News from Spain in 2010, pre-recorded greetings.

Wesley KP4WES and nine-year-old amateur WP4OAM2009hope in him. Ham, Carmen WP3PJ home mom, dad and brotherWalter WP4T his WP4NYS Walner. The family as an agent of the amateur satellite AO-52 and 51 - Vo.

View Arissat KP4WES and Hi-1 said, SSTV

Friday 12 August 2011

BooTechTV launches HAM Radio show

On Sunday at 5PM UK Time, BootechTV launch new show that about HAM Radio, It can be finded here.

HAM radio and the UK riots

We'd like our UK readers to send us emails about how they helped out the police and others during the UK riots. As you will know HAM radio is essential in emergency situations, if you have any good stories, email them to
If it is good enough we will publish them on the website

Thursday 11 August 2011

Heil Sound iCMreview

The Heil Sound iCM is a high peformance mikerphone. It is designed for users of Icom transceivers that have low gain in the microphone amplifier stage. BUT!!!!!!!!!!! Heil sound stresses that this is not a cheap electret microphone, the iCM has a high quality condensor element(even though bob heil claims to hates condensers, see THIS article). All in all we think that this is a great mikerphone, it has a 8 foot length of heilwire on it.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Mid-Luster Amateur Radio Club hit the road with HAM radio van

The Mid-Luster Amateur Radio Club has made a 14 foot amateur radio trailer. They intend to take it on the road. The plan is that they will take it to schools and youth clubs. We at the Ham News Wire thing that this is excellent as it will spread HAM radio to a younger generation. Link to the article below!

Please like our Facebook page!

We request all our loyal readers to like our Facebook page.

Leo Laporte chef twit get call sign ham radio w6twt

Leo Laporte cheif twit, just got his vanity call sign for his ham radio adventures. he will soon be building a "ham radio corner" in his new twit shithouse studio. some have speculated that it will be a ham corner, because lisa, the CEO of the company, wants to isolate the normal people from the HAMS. we thing that this is unjust, and the HAM radio folks should be put centere stage in the new studio.Leo has talked on the air about buying a Icom radio which we will soon have a review on.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Chicago Sun Times makes excellent post about 70 year old HAM couple

News hitting the wires from the most unlikely sources, a 70 year old couple have been HAMMING for 70 years. Link after the break

Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society to host amatuer radio training time

A person's ham radio, and other fun stuff to know how to use the ChelmsfordAmateur Radio Association, the Association consists of the usual trainingroutine. Ham radio is still blazing trails. It's a riot in the UK the best long-termexperience is a good time to come, and ham and communication tool designed to help the police, so the battle to prevent violence.

Monday 8 August 2011

Excellent temporary antenna for listening to HF bands

YouTube user radiosignal1 band to listen to HF, the following video of thisexcellent tutorial!

How to make a 5000 kilometer range antena fo less than $ 30 with a broom stick, tin foil, old rauter, tape and micalanius cables.

1st Rauter Just like the 2.4 GHz anntenna.

2nd 2.4 GHz band antenna best elecrtical broom stick tape.

3rd Take some aluminum foil to "sattilite disk", and the antenna.

4th Finally, the 2.4 GHz antenna extension cable, and radio.

Thain TI I tested the range of 5000 km will be rounded

This is a test

of our publishing pipeline

Icom IC-718

I got me one of these a week ago to tri it out jusd geting back on the air.
Overal a good litle rig and easy to operate. but it's just a very basic radio even with the DSP moodule and its so great.
If you is wanting to operate CW you are almost certanly going to want a filter hovever.
And there is only one filter slot which can be a prolem for some later on.
Yes you could go the "one board" unit from W4RT to get two god filters but that's curently $21.
Ading that price to the curent price of a nev IC-711 of $93 and you are at $90.
I am sorry but for that price you can purchase something like the Yaesu FT-450D and have a muts beter ratio to stard out with.
Jusd my thughts.


gday gday fellow HAMS
TODAY i would like to talk to you about my new mikerphone that i have bought for ham radio. it weights in at $70, which is a fantasdtic price for such a lovely mikerphone. it has -35 db on rear rejection! this means that when you have noisy stuffs in the background, the mic will reject this sound!!!! can you belive it? The mikerphone has an internal phone wind shield so you will never get accused of bReathing down the mikerphone again. It also includes a 5/8 inches mikerphone clip so that you can put it on your mikerphone boom stand. all in all it is a fantasrtic mikerphone for ham use

Ham Radio Shed power supply options

A lot HAMs, being rejectected by the friends and family, have choosen to build their ham radio stations in a shed, because a lot of there friends and family do not want to be accositatined to them. They build the shed, and ofcourse they will dig up there gardfen to wire up the electricity so that they can power all their ham gear, radios, mikerphones, ext. This makes them more rejected because they are digging up garden and getting VERy grubby in the process. We'd like to here your solutions to this, huge huge problem in the HAM radio comunity. Leave your responses  in the comments!

Sunday 7 August 2011

9KWs Catenna

This one goes out to all the Hams,
I am going to tell you a story of a fellow HAM, who made a canetanna that had a range of about 9kms, he was able to talk to folk from india, however not many a ham there because they can not affordt he extortinate prices that a lot of manus charge for gear( we is looking at you mr hiel). anyway, he made it work by using sainsbury's premium brand tin foil, rather than previously using sainsburys basic's tin foil

Kenwood Handy Talky review

Hello fellow HAMs
today i would like to write my review on the kenwood HANDY talkie 
I have been using this and acheiving a range of about 10 miles, once i waveed it above mi head and gotr a range of about 120 miles, wen i selotaped some tin foil around it i then had a range of about 500 miles, and i could talk to a man in neighbouring state ohio, and we had a convo about the price of fish

more indepth reviews cuming sooooooon

bob hiel ham radio extrurdinair tells us y condensers r bad

we haz a exclusive news hitting our wires at the time, linky is cuming after piccy

Picture of mi new handy talki!

News just Hitting the wires

I just purchased a new handi tal;ki , review coming soonsssssssss